
Arthritis Knee Pain Center Of Houston

Are you searching for an arthritis knee pain center in Houston? Our board-certified anesthesiologist and interventional pain management doctors treat patients suffering from osteoarthritis. Our medical team uses many natural therapies for healing, regeneration, preservation, and subsequent relief of inflammation and pain from arthritis in your knees. Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan that focuses on their specific condition and needs. Some common aspects of these treatment plans may include:

Contact Dr. Brett Warfield

Dr. Brett Warfield can explain more about your specific treatment plan in consultation after completing your diagnosis. In some cases, regenerative medicine techniques can even regrow cartilage to replace deteriorated material. Plus, Dr. Warfield is a renowned Houston pain management expert who can help you manage pain without dangerous opioids as your condition progresses. If you are searching for an arthritis knee pain center in Houston, we encourage you to contact TIPI to schedule an appointment, or you can use our convenient online booking tool.

Most Common Arthritis Knee Pain

Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. There are actually over a hundred different types of arthritis and associated conditions. The two most common effects on the knee joints are caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Knee Pain

With rheumatoid arthritis (RA), your body mistakenly sends antibodies that are meant to ward off bacteria and viruses to attack the tissues lining the surface of the joints, such as your knees. Chemicals are released, causing inflammation and excessive fluid build-up, which damages the bones and soft tissues or cartilage. Women between 30 and 60 are three times more likely than men to develop this disease. However, rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age. One of the most common areas for RA to attack is your knee, which can affect both knees, causing severe pain, swelling, redness, and stiffness. When rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed, treatments focus on preserving the remaining cartilage, restoring new cartilage when possible, and providing pain relief to aid in your mobility. Dr. Warfield uses the latest in cutting-edge regenerative therapies to treat knee arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Osteoarthritis is a blank term for degenerative joint disease. If you have it in your knees, there has been wear and tear of the bones and cartilage in your knee, which causes the bones to rub against each other. Among those with osteoarthritis, 10% of men and 13% of women ages 60 years or older experience arthritis knee pain. However, it can affect any joint; sometimes, you may have OA in multiple areas. Some causes of arthritis in your knees include previous knee injury or surgery, being overweight, genetics, and aging. OA symptoms can fluctuate, including joint pain and stiffness, especially in the morning, and may improve with physical activity. Swelling, weakness, and instability are common OA symptoms you may experience. Since OA is a progressive disease, arthritis knee pain may go from moderate to debilitating in the later stages. For individuals with severe arthritis knee pain, daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and even sleeping can become difficult. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, and other treatment options can help reduce pain, improve joint functioning, and slow down its progression.

Read Our Digital Guide

Learn more about Dr. Brett Warfield, read our patient reviews a the treatments that our pain management clinic provides to our Houston patients. 

Understanding Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

There is usually no specific cause of OA, but many contributing factors are seen in most patients with Osteoarthritis. To get you a better idea, let us briefly explain the anatomy of your knee. The knee is the joint in the middle of your leg. It’s where your thigh bone (femur) meets your shin bone (tibia) and is one of your body’s most complex joint. Like every other joint, they are a part of what makes up your skeletal system. The knee has cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and nerves. The purpose of your knee is to support your weight; this is why staying fit is essential to helping with arthritis knee pain. Without our knees, we could not walk, run, or jump. There are three bones in your knee joint:

  • Femur (thigh bone).
  • Tibia (shin bone).
  • Patella (kneecap).

The places where these bones meet are called the articulating surfaces. There are two located within your knee, the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral. Join, which allows you to bend, stand up straight, and twist. The surface of the bones is lined with cartilage. The cartilage in your knee is a muscular, flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and absorbs shock to reduce the forces going through the knee. There are two types of cartilage in your knee:

Hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage is your body’s most common type of cartilage. Some healthcare providers call it articular cartilage. It lines your joints and caps the ends of your bones. This allows your bones to glide past each other. The surfaces of your femur, tibia, and patella that touch each other have a hyaline cartilage lining.
Fibrocartilage is what its name sounds like — tough cartilage made of thick fibers. It’s tough enough to hold parts of your body in place and absorb impacts. The meniscus in your knee is two wedges of fibrocartilage. It cushions the space between your femur and tibia.
The knee joint has two parts, the medial meniscus on the inside and the lateral meniscus on the outer, with four ligaments to stabilize them. The two collateral ligaments are like straps on opposite sides of your knee. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is on the inner side of your knee. The collateral ligaments prevent your knee from moving side to side too much. At the same time, the two cruciate ligaments inside your knee joint control the way your knee moves front to back. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is at the front of your knee. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is behind the ACL at the back of your knee. A typical healthy knee joint has a reasonable size gap between the two knee bones due to the cartilage and synovial fluid, but with knee arthritis, changes occur that cause the cartridge to thin and break down. Consequently, the bone underneath begins to thicken, and bone spurs develop that can be painful. As a result of these changes, there is less space between your bones, so as you walk, run, or jump, you get friction in the joint, with bone rubbing on the bone. As a result, arthritis can develop on just one side of the joint, most commonly the inside. When this happens, it might be time to visit an arthritis knee clinic in Houston for treatment. The two most common treatments are Corticosteroid injections and physical therapy to relieve arthritis knee pain.
Another contributing factor is age; as we get older, our bones become more brittle, our muscles can weaken, and the body takes longer to heal itself. As a result, the bones and cartridges are more prone to damage resulting in arthritis of the knee.
Studies have shown that if you have cartilage removed, you are more than likely to develop arthritis in the knee due to the fact that the cartilage never regrows, which puts more pressure and friction on your bones.
Studies have shown that people who are overweight or with a BMI over 27 are three times more likely to develop osteoarthritis. The more weight placed on the cartridges, the easier they wear out.
Damaging your knees can also increase your risk of developing arthritis knee pain. Those who have played sports may endure meniscus tears or broken bones that never healed properly. Ligament tears can also affect the stability of the knee.

Women are more at risk for arthritis in their knees and joints due to hormonal changes. Hormone levels affect the cartridges and bones, especially after menopause.

Combat Knee Arthritis In Houston For 20+ Years

At TIPI Pain Management, we combat knee arthritis pain by focusing on the body’s healing abilities. Our medical team uses many natural therapies to speed healing, regeneration, preservation, and subsequent relief of inflammation and arthritis knee pain. Our clinic in Houston will customize a treatment plan that focuses on your specific condition and needs. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Warfield today at TIPI Pain Management in Houston to receive a custom-tailored plan for an effective osteoarthritis knee pain treatment.