Back Pain Guide

Back Pain Guide For Houston

At Texas Intergrative Pain Institute, we treat all areas of the body, but we specialize in upper, middle, and low back pain at our Houston location; over 80% of the clients Dr. Warfield sees come to us with back pain seeking alternative therapy to surgery. We invite you to explore our guide filled with educational materials designed to help educate you about back pain, your conditions, and the treatments we offer.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your condition or treatment, please feel free to contact our pain management clinic in Houston that’s conveniently located to serve patients in Baytown, Sugar Land, The Woodlands, Cypress, and Spring. Call us at (346) 888-5237 to request an appointment or use our secure online request form.

Please note that this information is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of an individual consultation or examination or as a substitute for medical advice from a doctor. This information should not be relied upon to determine a diagnosis or course of treatment.

Back Pains Our Houston Clinic Treats


The arachnoid is one of the membranes that surround and protect the nerves of the spinal cord. When this membrane becomes irritated and inflamed, the condition is called arachnoiditis.

Bulging Disc

Between 60% and 80% of American adults will suffer some form of back pain. For many of them, the cause will be a bulging disc in the spine. Most cases of a bulging disc occur in the lower back and are caused by overwork or straining the lumbar spine.

Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy, otherwise known as a pinched nerve, can result in numbness, pain, weakness or altered reflexes and may radiate symptoms from the neck to the shoulders, arm, hand and/or fingers.

Chronic Back Pain

Our back provides vital framework for the entire body, and it withstands an incredible amount of wear and abuse. Over time, everyone will suffer back pain. However, chronic back pain lasting ten days out of every month, maybe due to a degenerative condition.

Degenerative Disc Disease

This is not really a disease at all, but a natural result of aging and wear and tear over time on the elements of the spine. The discs of your spine wear and break down with repeated use, allowing the vertebrae to squeeze closer together, pinch nerves and cause a myriad of problems

Facet Syndrome

Facet joint syndrome, can be caused by trauma, adverse posture overload or other degenerative changes to the joints of the spine. The cartilage inside the spinal joints can break down and become inflamed, causing pain in nearby nerves that radiates in other locations of the body.

Herniated Disc ​

One of the most common causes of back pain for adults is a herniated disc. Repeated bending or torsion of the spine can cause the cushioned discs between the vertebrae to bulge out from between the individual vertebrae. This is called a herniation or a herniated disc.


Sciatica is a condition caused when pressure from a bone spur, spinal stenosis, herniated disc or other spinal condition causes radiating pain along the sciatic nerve in the back. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each of the legs. Sciatica is often felt on only one side of the body.

Spinal Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition where the cushioning cartilage between bones deteriorates and wears away prematurely. Spinal osteoarthritis is when this condition affects the joints and discs of the spine, usually in the neck and lower back

Spinal Stenosis ​

Spinal stenosis most commonly occurs along with the deterioration of spinal osteoarthritis, as this degenerative disease breaks down spinal joint cartilage. The vertebrae become compressed, and this narrows the space within the spine where nerves travel. The two main types of spinal stenosis, classified according to location, are cervical stenosis and lumbar stenosis

Sprains & Strains

Back sprains or strains result in pain that is worse with movement, muscle cramps or spasms, decreased function and/or range of motion and swelling. Some victims may hear a popping noise at the time of injury, most common when a muscle, tendon or ligament tears completely loose from the bone.

Thoracic Radiculopathy

This condition can often be the result of tumors, bone spurs, herniated discs or spinal osteoarthritis. Pain can be sharp at times, especially with activity. Sufferers can also experience weakness or loss of reflexes in the arms or legs. Thoracic radiculopathy can also often be found with myelopathy, which is a compression of the spine.

Understanding The Anatomy of the Back

When most people mention their back, they are referring to their spine, which is the region of your body running runs from the base of your skull down to your gluteal region. It is composed of 33 spool-shaped bones called vertebrae, each about an inch thick and stacked one upon another that holds your body together and allows you to move freely. Each vertebra consists of the following parts: The body is the most significant part of the vertebrae and the part that bears the most weight.
  • The lamina is the lining of the hole through which the spinal cord runs.
  • The spinous process is the bony protrusions you feel when you run your hand down your back.
  • The transverse processes are the pairs of protrusions on either side of the vertebrae to which the back muscles attach.
  • The facets are two pairs of protrusions where the vertebrae connect to one another, including:
  • The superior articular facets face upward, and the inferior articular facets, which face downward.
The connection points between the vertebrae are referred to as the facet joints, which keep the spine aligned as it moves. Similar to other joints in the body, the facet joints are lined with a smooth membrane called the synovium, which produces a viscous fluid to lubricate the joints. Located between the individual vertebrae, discs are cushions or shock absorbers between the bones. Each disc is about the size and shape of a flattened doughnut hole and consists of a jelly-like filling (nucleus polyposis) and a robust outer shell (annulus fibrosis); running through the center of your spinal column is your spinal cord.
The spinal cord is a long bundle of nerve tissue. In an adult, it’s about 18 inches long and ½ inch thick. It extends from the lower part of the brainstem down the back. Your spinal cord has three sections that run the length of the spine. Each section’s name describes the part of the spine it passes through:

Back Pain Houston

People can experience back pain due to other factors and may find it best to seek out a pain management clinic in Houston that treats chronic back pain when mechanical or structural problems develop in the spine, discs, muscles, ligaments, or tendons in the back, or compress a nerve.
Degenerative disc disease

  • Herniated or ruptured discs
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Fractured vertebrae.
  • Scoliosis or other congenital changes to the spine.
  • Myofascial pain
Your back muscles are essential in helping you move, stand up straight, and breathe. They also stabilize your spine and torso. Back muscle injuries are very common because these muscles work so hard and have many important jobs. If back pain affects your ability to enjoy life, contact our pain management clinic in Houston. Dr. Brett Warfield is able to accurately determine the source of your discomfort with a thorough evaluation and devise an individualized treatment plan to help return you to optimum functionality and mobility. Our pain management clinic in Houston offers multiple modalities that can be incorporated collaboratively into your treatments such as medication management, injections, and alternative therapies.